Friday, August 20, 2010

you wouldn't believe how much life sucks right now. and i can't even blog about it. not like anyone cares.


Anonymous said...

Found your site on accident, hope things have gotten better since you last posted a few months ago. People do care.

Anonymous said...

Found your site on accident, hope things have gotten better since you last posted a few months ago. People do care.

Rebecca said...

Like the person who commented above, I too, just ran across your blog. Hope things are better. I know what it's like to have ^%$#, but I also know what it's like to have peace. People do care-- God cares more. Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Keep your head up. Stay strong. You will be ok. I know life is not easy but you will make it- you WILL be ok.

Dimitri said...

Well I guess I would say all of the above. I am going through crap right now too, and it sucks like H***. Sounds like a ditto for u too. I know how it feels for no one to seem to care, but those in the same situations care and those outside care as well, just can't relate. UR SO RIGHT about the mask thing ('What Am I Doing Here?"). That's me to a T. Everyone sees me as mr. happy swell guy, liked by all and liking all, but that mask seems to be getting harder to keep on, as though it's losing opacity. I think remembering how my Grandparents care a lot for me (to me it seems more then my parents), and how I don't want to let them down; that's what gives me a tad bit of encouragement. IDK, I blog about this on my blog. If your bored maybe come one over and peruse.

C's Notes said...

I stumbled upon your page as well but I just wanted to say. Stay strong and when you can't do it on your own, stay prayerful. God can get you through anything and you will never know just how much people really do care.

Dimitri said...

Agreed with the above person, and I do hope things have improved. I am astounded at how many people (such as myself) came across your blog by cruising through millions (or close to that) of other blogs, saw your post, and cared enough to care for you. You don't find that that often these days, or at least I don't. These people (me 2) have no idea who you are, but care that someone we have never met and probably never will, is going through tough times. Hang in there. I'll b back. That wasn't supposed to sound like some bad-guy.."I'll be back[insert evil laugh here]!"

Annabel said...

it was so lovely to find that people were commenting on my blog, seeing as i've been gone for so long. that's the best thing about blogging, finding people out there who understand, or even who want to know. i'll be sure to come check out your blogs! wordpress just isn't the same...

don't know if you'll ever be back here to read this reply, but you should know you all made me smile and that's impressive. thanks!

Kelline said...

Hi Deary, I'm from "Love For All" and I see that my comments of encouragement probably aren't needed by now because, as you see, there's quite a few people who care. I see comment after comment telling you the same things that I'm thinking myself. God! He can get you through. Believe these folks, believe me. He can. He will. He does. He's just waiting for your simple prayer. Ask and you'll receive. God bless you sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

yahaaan main ghar ghar kheli
kuch toh log kahenge
jamuna paar

Naqqash said...

Nice Blogg