Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Do Or Die

I was talking to Angel today. The word 'mistake' was coming up often. It got us thinking. The idea was raised that we may not like the word 'mistake', that 'mistakes' aren't the negative that we make them out to be.

On the one hand, i can see how that's fair, that we don't want to use the word 'mistake' negatvely. 'Mistakes' are still things that have happened. Usually, they're memorable. They always teach us lessons. How else are we supposed to learn? Mistakes make life richer - maybe not at the time, but eventually.

On the other hand, mistakes are usually unpleasant. Otherwise they wouldn't be mistakes, they'd be pleasant memories. They're mistakes because we regret them.

But do we really regret all of our 'mistakes'? Or is it just the fallout that we hate? Think about it. Do we regret not studying hard enough for the test because there was something good on tv? Or do we regret that failing the test means we have to work harder next time. Do we regret what happened with that guy last night? Or do we regret the fact that we gave something away that we wanted to keep. Do we regret falling for the 'wrong' guy? Or do we regret the fallout? Tough call.

Maybe 'mistake' isn't a dirty word. We don't hate our mistakes. We hate what happenes afterwards.


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