Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lost Souls

Path Of Darkness

I've been watching One Tree Hill season 3. It's made me think. I'm shocked and upset. There was a high school shooting. And it was horrible. It was fictional, but it was horrible.

Like the shootings at Virginia Tech, these things happen. When they do, they're awful, they're shocking, they're emotional, they're crushing, they're eye-opening. Even when they're not happening to us. They make us think, make us fear. Feel fear for the people who feel so terrible that they think that killing people is the only way to get out.

90% of teenage suicides are due to unacceptance. I saw that written on the ground in chalk at uni. It made an impression, an impact, even though the rain would've washed it away by now.

It's chilling how so many people can hurt so much because they feel unaccepted. That people can feel that bad and not know how to make it better. That they want to hurt others as badly as they are hurting.

We send our children to school like we send our people to war... hoping for their return but knowing that some will be lost along the way...

When did the world become a place where things are that dark? What can we do to make it better? To make the pain go away.


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