Saturday, October 13, 2007

Night Out!

Never Expect It

Seeing as i left the house on the verge of breaking something and/or crying, i was not expecting to have a good night. BUT - i had a blast!

We went off to the Ed for RandomBen's 19th birthday. For awhile, Roz, Colv, Macca, LewBear, RandomBen and i just sat around, joking and paying each other out. I hadn't seen them in so long, i forgot how much fun i can have around them. We're all similar, in that we can't help but laugh at each other. Macca was paid out for being girly, Roz was payed out about her random schoolies boy - and i was laughed at for my escapades after Lath's 18th last year. RandomBen said something about falling over drunk, but Macca corrected him and said that i'd not fallen over drunk, but fallen and landed on K-dog. Haha, oops :P Good times.

Bri, Teddy and Nik rocked up awhile later and joined us as the boys had some schnitty's and we had a few rounds of drinks. Oh, my poor wallet! We had a classic conversation, confusing Roz beautifully. Teddy and i were telling here that the hollocaust was made up, as was world war one. You see, world war one was really just a scheme made up by the government. When everyone caught syphilis from the gypsies, they all went crazy and died. The government covered it up, saying that they died in the war. Also, Siberia didn't exist (we'd never been there, so who's to say it does?!) and Russia was a beautiful place with unicorns. And they use the short unicorn hair to make teensy, tiny violins for the elves that live there too... it truly was a bizzare conversation. Between us, Teddy and i had everyone in hysterics and Roz in a state of total confusion.

We wandered in to the bar, where two old men started talking to us. One (a 62 yr old guy in a loud shirt, named Pete) was yelling at the other (a 42 yr old Californian guy named Seb). Over an hour later, we were still talking to them. They'd bought RandomBen and i birthday drinks. They'd found out we were all single and hauled a random guy - named Tom - over, introduced him to me and he bought me a drink. Haha, that's never happened before. Pete convinced himself that i was a model (yes, these guys were VERY bizzare and oh-so-slightly-sleazy) - so i think that he was possibly a little drunk. They had a big conversation with us about sports, because they were here for the Masters tournament in baseball or something. They shouted another round of drinks. Next thing you know, Teddy and the two men have their shirts up, comparing their abs. We heard about how Seb had moved to Oz in '89 (the year we were all born...) with his wife, who was the most beautiful woman alive. Eventually, when we decided it was time to move on, we all shook hands and left. It truly was the most random thing.

We decided that we'd head into town. But first, of course, came the traditional midnight dialing of friends and foes. I'd like to say that, for the record, i had NOTHING to do with this. Roz and RandomBen decided that it'd be absolutely hilarious to call a guy i know, who they'd decided (in their slightly inebriated state) was my boyfriend. They called, tried to leave messages saying that i was hooking up with Macca and Random Ben and generally just made nusiances of themselves. I'll kill them tomorrow. We headed inside to round up Macca and LewBear, but LewBear bought me another drink while we discussed imaginary 'Todd'-people. Who are 'todd' people? Well, LewBears gf is a friend of ours and we were trying to confuse Roz by saying that she had another boyfriend, Todd, on the side. Therefore, i was LewBear's equivalent of a 'todd'. Hence, the rest of the evening was spent saying 'it's ok - he/she is my todd!'.

We took Colv's car to RandomBen's, where we stocked up on Crunchies, called a couple of taxis and did some very bizzare things with Roz's umbrella... we can never look at it the same way again... but it's ok, because i'm his todd.

Roz and Bri took one taxi, while LewBear, RandomBen and i took the other. We met up at the Stag, where we waited awhile to get in. Once inside, we took advantage of the fact that it was RandomBen's birthday and used his free-birthday-drinks card to get a few rounds. Then we danced! I used to hate dancing (as we all know), but last night i danced. Bri, LewBear and Roz said i looked fine and i felt reasonably non-self-conscious. More randoms at the bar bought us drinks then there was five more minutes dancing before we had to leave, as Roz and RandomBen were falling asleep on their feet. LewBear and i were left alone to dance for a bit, which was fun, him being my todd and all. I even kind of figured out how to dance like a proper girl. Classic times. Bri befriended a hobbit who looked just like Sean Astin! Very cool.

Roz, RandomBen, LewBear and i caught a taxi back to my place, where we all decided to stay the night. Roz took the bed, LewBear and i had the mattress and RandomBen decided that the beanbag was the most comfortable place to sleep... random. By 3am, lights were out. I must say, i usually can sleep anywhere, but i wasn't able to last night. Ah well, who needs sleep!

Unfortunately, i think that when the alarm went off at 7.45am, we all wanted a few more days to sleep off our big night... i had to go to work by 9am, so was up and dressed rather speedily. I dropped Roz back at the Ed to get her car, LewBear and RandomBen and Macca's to pick up their cars and headed off to work... totally exhauted. But i survived and was super cheery through all of my lessons to compensate.

Aside - one of the little girls i swim with gave me a presant; a little bag full of stars! SO cute!

Anyway, it was a great night. I had more fun than i've had in a long time, had a hilarious time with the girls, was only marginally bitter (and in a funny way), had a great time with the boys i'd not seen in so long and overall had an amazing time. It's cool how simple nights out can be the most fun, even when you least expect it. YAY!


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