Sunday, July 23, 2006

The 'Wall Moment' Exposed

'Wall Moments' hit teens like a ton of bricks...

Unfortunately, that isn't a metaphor; when a 'wall moment' hits, it really can feel as bad as a ton of bricks falling on your head (or so i imagine, never having had that many bricks hit me on the head at once). But, what is a wall moment, i hear you asking. Well, the answer to that is not easy, because a wall moment can be something differerent for everyone, but i'll do my best to explain.
My buddy Nic and i created the wall moment not long ago. The first ever wall moment actually did involve a wall (or, more accurately, the plaster-board of a hallway) and, to be specific, my head banging against it, repeatedly, in an attempt to knock some sense into myself and knock a certain thought out. And so the wall moment was born.

From that point onwards, the wall moment became a common description for a mood or feeling that one of us was having, eventually spreading to some of our friends and beyond, so that it was now no longer uncommon to hear people shout out in despair; 'Damn it! I'm having a friggin' wall moment!!!' and see people reach out to her (or him) sympathetically and offer kind words of support, as they too know the pain that a wall moment can cause.

But what EXACTLY is a wall moment? Well, like i said, it differs for everyone. But the generic moment generally stems from something overwhelming that fills your brain, makes your head feel like it's going to explode and makes you want to hit your head on something very hard; eg. a wall. This 'something' overwhelming could be the fact that your family are driving you absolutely insane (more so than they usually so, i mean), the sudden realisation that year twelve is killing you slowly and painfully, one -or more- of your friends acting like a complete nincompoop, or, as is very common among the female species especially, a certain male for whom you carry a hidden torch passing by you and looking even more gorgeous than usual, causing you to a) feel weak in the knees and/or b) realise exactly what you're missing out on. These things and more commonly cause wall moments in even the toughest and most unemotional of people. However, unlike in the past when this feeling was often kept bottled up, the creation of the wall moment has meant that this feeling is easily expressed and, while not really solving anything, it really does make you feel better!

So next time you're overwhelmed by the stupidity of your parents, the anarchy of secondary education, the bitchiness of a friend or... ahem, desire for a certain member of the population, just yell out in frustration that you're having a wall moment (and in extreme cases, burying one's head in ones hands is also effective). Then revel in the sympathy and guidance of those around you. I guarantee that you'll feel better, at least for the time being. However, i don't reccomend the involvement of any actual walls in this process... trust me, it really does add to the pain, not lessen it...

Good Luck!

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