Saturday, August 29, 2009

I had a horrible fight with my parents last night, that was beyond awful. Today, i'm not speaking to my father. I'm talking to mum, but only when strictly necessary. It was an absolute doozy of a fight. I want them to apologise... mum might, but dad never will - when he's the one who really needs to, seeing as mum just follows his lead.

I had a pub crawl last night and tried to enjoy myself, but it didn't really work. Loz and i ended up drinking coffee, only going into one pub, and having maccas before making it home before 11.30pm. Pathetic effort really.

In an effort to rebel, today i went out and pierced another hole in one of my ears. I then went to the hairdresser, got them to cut, dye and style my hair, and put the whole thing on mum's credit card. She noticed the hair and wasn't happy. She hasn't noticed the earring, or the whopping amount for a haircut on her card. I suspect that she'll hit the roof. Dad, of course, won't even notice...

Tonight, i have to go out again. Due to certain aspects of the fight, i'll be driving, not drinking, and coming home after only an hour or so. Doesn't sound like much fun to me. But i have to go, as it's a farewell thing...

I don't like fighting with my parents. My dad's answer to everything is to laugh at me, and call me irrational. Which hardly helps. Naturally, i don't take it at all well. I'm a good child and am generally left to my own devices. I don't like it when they suddenly decide to exert their 'parental power' to such extent.

I should be getting ready now but am watching twenty eight weeks later because i'm a crazy person and am scaring myself somewhat shittless. But i really need to go and get myself ready...

Hopefully my parents stop being terrible soon...

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