Monday, August 31, 2009

PS. I Love You (pt 2)

I've been thinking a lot about love lately. To tell you the truth, the definition of love is something that completely confounds me. There's not really any kind of measure for love, something that you can blow into and get a reading for how much you love someone. Come to think of it, that's not a bad idea. Any inventors out there want to get on that? Let me know when you figure it out.

Anyway, with the absence of this device, i've been left on my own to figure things out. I've got to say, it's not been easy. Because my thoughts have confused me completely, i've naturally turned to the internet.

According to Wikipedia, love is a more potent sentiment than simple liking for another person. It decided to tell me all about how love is to do with chemicals... apparently, there's lust (that doesn't last very long), then attraction (more individualised, full of chemical reactions that make you feel good, but only temporary) an finally attachment (based on commitment from friendships, marriages, children...). However, in depressing news, research shows that that initial burst of chemical attraction drops back to normal after a year, leaving us with just the attachment. Uhoh...

Ok, i'll admit that this isn't really helping convince me that love exists. But i'll read on and get back to you...

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