Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Are You A Hot Girl?

I've been watching Joey (the spin off of Friends that was nowhere near as successful, but is still fairly interesting). Two amusing points have come up...

The first is the universal 'rule' of dating. Everybody has a hotness rating our of 10. People generally date people within two points of their rating. For example, an eight can date a six, seven, nine or ten. Simple. Following the logic of Joey Tribbiani, an eight could also date two fours and so on... I was playing this game with the girls the other day, it's amazing how few eligible people there are in the law school. Lots of fun though... try it. You'll be surprised how accurate it is!

The second theory is that of the 'hot girl who doesn't know that she's hot'. Again according to Joey, there are four types of girls who are not able to recognise their hotness. These do have exceptions of course, but here they are;
1. she has an even hotter older sister
2. she went to an all girls school
3. she used to be fat
4. she's blind
I'm yet to test this theory, but i suspect there is some truth behind it.

It's amusing that a man as silly as Joey could have so many insights... Definitely a funny show. It's a pity it was cancelled after only two seasons!

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