Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm Gona Make You An Offer You Can't Refuse

I went up to the SouthAfrican's place tonight, where he and Mr.Music are playing house. I've got a feeling that they were taking pity on me in my currently beleagured state, but whatever the reason i was ok with it. They showed off their cooking skills and i helped with the dishes before we sat down to watch The Godfather.

It was a really good movie - they just don't make any like that nowadays! Granted, it was almost three hours long, but the acting was good, the plot was interesting and the characters had depth. The original Godfather was my favourite; wise and cunning, he ruled his 'family' with an iron fist, commanding respect. However, he didn't use his power for evil and was pretty much against killing people when there was another way around it. Towards the end, he was so cute and grandfatherly, playing with his little grandson... until he collapsed from a stroke and died... i think i may have formed an unhealthy attachment to the mafia boss.

When he died, his son, Mike, took over. Played by a very young Anthony LaPaglia, i at first took quite a shine to the handsome man who was staying as far away from the family 'business' as he could. I could even live with the fact that he killed two people to exact revenge on the people who shot his father - it's a family honour thing. But when he went into hiding and married the first woman he saw, conveniently forgetting about the woman he'd left in America pining for him. Apparently (according to the boys), this was because he just wanted to sleep with someone and 'guy's are just players'. We laughed, but the boys threw me cautious glances, just in case it hit a little too close to home and i broke down. Either way, when Mike returned to America and became the big man on campus, i liked him even less. In the remaining hour of the movie he killed practically everyone he saw, became hard hearted, lied to his poor wife (yes, that's right, after his first wife was blown up, he went crawling back to the woman he'd left in America. And, idiot that she was, she'd taken him back)... the list goes on. Basically, the guy became a prick.

That said, i still can't wait to sit through the next three hour installment. I'm sure the guy will get his comeuppance soon enough! And i'm wondering what will happen to his new godson...

1 comment:

peppylady (Dora) said...

I only been crabbing once in my life and enjoyed it.