Monday, June 30, 2008

Officially A Nerd

So, i've found something to amuse myself. After playing piano for hours this afternoon (re: attempting to, because i don't really know how...), i finished the first volume of Little Women - and went in pursuit of the second. Confronted with a few hundred books at Angus & Robertson, i was in paradise. I spent a half hour wandering around the store, before finding myself infront of the 'Top 100' books. It took all of my self control not to buy the fifteen or so books that took my fancy (i managed to limit myself to four; i couldn't help it, buying books is my retail therapy!).

Now, my aim over the next few weeks is to read as many of these books as possible; it's about time i expanded my reading paramaters and broadened my horizons. I'll admit to feeling a little uncultured. I'll keep myself busy with reading (i like to wander the streets listening to my beloved playlist on my ipod and find a comfy place to read), practicing my meagre piano skills and attempting to learn something on the guitar. Plus, i've got a feeling that Mr.Music will be convincing me to sit through a few old movie classics. I'm thinking that i'll be quite a well rounded individual in no time at all.

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