Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Heads Or Tails

Here's my summerime memory -

When i was younger, we used to go to Kangaroo Island every summer for a week or two. Dad loved to fish, so he taught me when i was younger (until my brother grew up - then fishing became a 'men's activity'). When my brother and i got older, we used to go crabbing, which we loved. Once, we hauled up the nets and the giant crabs escaped into the boat. Sensibly, my brother and i pulled our feet up. Dad, however, decided it was much more important to 'protect the boat', so went into battle against the crabs - and ended up with bleeding toes as a result. Naturally, we thought it was hilarious.

Initially, we used to go over to the island with another family, who's girl was just a little younger than me. She was a total cow - verrrrry spoilt. So, we never really got on, and we drove all the families nuts! As we got older, we stopped going over with them, instead taking up residence with a man who dad works with and his many children. Their house was always overflowing with children, and we had a blast on their property; playing spotlight, going yabbying, playing huge monopoly tournaments, fishing together, swimming and making all sorts of 'creations' on the beach... i think our most memorable was when we found driftwood on the beach, so we escavated a huge hole, lined it with the wood and put a roof on it - it was like our very own underground bunker. I have great memories with that family.

Another time, i took Roz with me. We had a brand new video camera to play with, so had a blast filming a 'documentary' in the scary caves. That was the year of the huge island bush fires. It was quite scary actually. For a few days we were on high alert, listening intently for the evaccuation siren and making countless trips to the local general store to get updates on the fire (all of this was perfect for our doctumentary). We had an emergency bag packed, and an escape route ready. Towards the end, the smoke was everywhere, all over the balcony of our place. At night, we could see the fires burning on the horizon and could watch as they came closer and closer. Although the fires were terrible and a lot of land was burnt, nobody was hurt and it was all rather exciting. In the end, we didn't have to evacuate, and the fires were brought under control.

I've got a million memories of KI, of the places we've been and the people we've met. I've definately had some of the best-ever summers there.


Juliana RW said...

ah...what great memory with your family....

Visit me in here

smarmoofus said...

Since my family moved around so much when I was growing up, we didn't have a holiday destination that we returned to year after year. I feel like I've missed out on something almost magical. The story of your documentary-filmmaking is cute... how old were you that year?


Forgetfulone said...

Ah, what memories! Glad you shared them. My HoT is posted, too.

Hootin Anni said...

My dad loved to fish...he'd always take out kids with him and my mom...it was a good memory for our kids.

But the 'bunker' sounds like soooooo much fun. How cool was that? Neat share this week for H o T!!!

Mine is shared. Stop by if you can. But warning, it's a bit different than what you'd probably expect for a summer memory.

Tina said...

Great memory. Everyone seems to be having some lovely summertime ones this week. summer is the best time of year absoltely!

My HoTs is up too. Hope youll stop by ;-)

Barb said...

I love the idea of making a little hideaway with the driftwood. It's something I would have done and something my kids would have done, too. :)

Preethi said...

lovely memory... and bush fire exciting??? !!

Summers of my past

storyteller said...

What fun memories you've shared ... reminding me of 'fishing' trips I took when I was younger too! Thanks.
Hugs and blessings,