Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Mission: Impossible?

So, i spent the morning reading and 'playing' piano again. This afternoon, i went and dropped a bunch of money on DVDs i didn't need and visited Dr.B at church, before i went and met with Loz and the Librarian for our quarter-annual coffee catch up. We had our usual chat (plus cake, because we all felt like we needed a little pick-me-up) - and conversation dried up a little before the Librarian said 'Annie, come on, you always have issues; what's news?' My always 'entertaining' (for others, crushing for me) stories kept us talking for a few hours, until it was time to leave.

I've been given a mission - i'm to go out and meet new people, date anyone who's interested and move forward. I'm not totally sure how on board i am with this plan, but it was difficult to argue. It's been decided that i have to have made progress before tuesday next week. Looks like i'm going out a bit this week, so that should be a start...

We had an ARK mission meeting tonight, to keep organising Mary Mags, where we're going to serve dinners to the disadvantaged in August. It seems like we're working more than we should have to get this organised, and will apparently be meeting once every week or so until we go, but i'm not really in charge, so i'm just going with the flow for now. I've got my 40L of pumpkin soup under control, so i'm not to stressed.

I got a lovely suprise when a girl i know through some friends and from uni gave me a call. We talked about going for drinks, or to a movie... but we ended up just bitching over the phone for awhile about the state of our lives and decided just to bum around the house, and go out another time. She's a great girl, and she seems to really like me. It's nice, making new friends and all.

Something that's bothering me at the moment? Among other overwhelming emotions, i'm harbouring some unreleased anger. I don't like being angry. I've earned myself the title 'doormat', because i usually let things go. I let people treat me how they want, do what they want, say what they want - because it's easier than starting a conflict. However, those who know me know that i have a very long fuse, but when i get to the end of it my anger can be pretty phenomenal. Right now, it's at that awful, furious, end-of-my-rope stage. I hate it. I don't like being angry, because i don't like the way that it makes me behave. I know the christian thing is to forgive, but i have trouble seeing why i should forgive the people who treat me like crap when they're never learning from their actions. Hopefully, in time, things will repair themselves, and i'll go back to being relatively docile. I don't like the way i'm feeling at the moment.

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