Sunday, June 01, 2008

Crazy Dreams

I always have bizzare dreams, and the last few nights have been no exception!

First, i dreamt that i had a shoe in my bed and had somehow managed to fit two feet into it... but i didn't think it was a dream, i thought that it had actually happened! I was so excited, i was all set to tell SB and Ayles, for hours... until, in my sleepy state, i realised that it must have been a dream. Why would i have had a shoe in my bed? And why on earth would it be that exciting?!

Then, i dreamt that i was hitting on an inappropriate friend of mine... and he was hitting back. Unfortunately, that got us into lots of trouble. I believe the night ended up in the girl chasing me in a high speed car race. Ray was my driver, and nearly ran us into a brick wall before driving straight through the dead end at the end of my street and onto Unley Road... i think we outran the angry girl... but i sure learnt my lesson about picking inappropriate people!

Finally, i dreamt that i was in a group (i'm sure this was a throwback to my awful consitutional law group) with Dr.B, two randoms and a seven year old. For some reason, the seven year old started to cry and, while i was trying to comfort him, Dr.B came up. He thought that i had made the boy cry and started to yell at me, not giving me a chance to explain... while he was yelling, the teacher came in and told us that we'd failed the group project.

Looking back, these were all rather distressing dreams... i really do worry about the content of my subconscious at times! I wonder what a dream analysist would think of me!!

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