Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Heads Or Tails

I'm only nineteen, so my list of past-jobs is a little meagre. Other than babysitting, which has been plenty adventurous (think asthma attacks, children suffering from the fallout of a suicidal mother, a sex-obsessed teen, bouts of gastro, power outages...), i've only had two proper jobs, both of which are current.

If you've read this blog before, you'll probably know that i teach 2-4yr olds how to swim once a week and i'm a youth intern at my church a few days a week. Common factor? Kids. I loooove kids, even when they're driving me nuts. My little swimming kiddies, they're all divine. Sure, there are some that i love more than the others (they're usually chubby, smiley and not screaming at decibels that a human shouldn't be forced to endure), but they're still 'my' little kiddies and i adore them. As for the church kids? The adorable morning babies who come up to me and give me leaves as pressies and tell me they love me have completely won my heart. My youth group kids are pains in the bum sometimes, but they all know i'd do anything for them. I pretty much let them do what they want, so long as they don't swear at each other, break things or hurt each other. So we have a mutual respect thing going on, and i'm actually pretty good friends with some of them.

But there's more to the job that just the kids. I work pretty hard, even though it may not seem like it! Dealing with early saturday morning shifts (i'm not a morning person) at swimming and handling my boss as she chews me out for not doing things 'her' way is a chore. And, while i love working at church, it's an awful lot of work, time and responsibility for not much money. I spend half the time terrified that i'm doing the wrong thing, and a lot of time trying to convince my parents that i shouldn't quit and get a 'real' job. I pretty much organise our entire kids program in the holidays, help with youth group and sunday school, make brochures, organise newspaper advertising, book events... it's lots to fit in, even more to think about, even if it really doesn't seem that way! But i do love working there. Plus, my boss is absolutely awesome!!

I don't know what i want to do when i grow up and get a 'real job' - whether i'm going to be a lawyer, or a psychologist, or a youth worker, or an editor or an author... or something else entirely. But we'll see how i go.


Barb said...

It really DOES sound like you have a way with the little ones. I was kind of like that too before I got old. (Laugh.)

The money may not be much.. but if you've still got your head above water financially, then I would maybe think about staying as long as you like it.

I have an idea. Why don't you become a lawyer who writes and edits books on the side about today's youth and the way society affects their psychology? ;)

Juliana RW said...

wow...you still 19 years old and already have great job with children :D

when I was 19, i worked at finac dept :D

Mine in here Thanks

Hootin Anni said...

A lawyer!!! I would pick lawyer if I were 19...oh to be 19 again.

Wonderful H o T entry this week. Can you come visit with me now?

Gina said...

Good luck finding your path in life for your 'real job'. WHo knows, maybe your path will involve just being a MOM ;)

Stop by my HOT:

storyteller said...

Seems like you're on a positive track ... doing what you enjoy while developing some 'self-discipline' to get yourself there on time even though you're not a morning person. Nice going ;--)

My HoTs is at Small Reflections after my Ten on Tuesday post today.
Hugs and blessings,