Monday, May 26, 2008

Grinding My Teeth

I just survived an incredibly frustrating meeting with my group for consitutional law. Once again,t he slimy little man who acts as if he's God's gift to lawyers was a complete nut job. Tonight, he was completely unprepared. He blamed us for his having to drive into the city, for us not having a printer for him to use, for us not doing things 'his' way. He ragged on everyone else's work, never once apologising for not having done his share. He was rude, pompous and arrogant. I could hardly stand to look at him - especially when he was criticising my work. I don't mind constructive criticism, but his was just his arrogance spilling over. He praised his own public speaking skills - and promptly proved completely inefficient. He drives me nuts!

Thankfully, the other group members were there to stop me committing the crimes i've been learning about all term. Now it looks like i'll have to blow off a lecture to have another meeting and try to prepare with my group... to say that i'm incredibly frustrated is an understatement! Their unpreparedness has meant i've got so much extra work to do on this presentation! Grr...

At least the meeting is over. Woo!

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