Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Sorry i've had you guys out of the loop for awhile, but i've been busy! Here's a very quick run-down before i get kicked off the computer...

I've abandoned my hostel for an appartment in Notting Hill. My uncle's, wife's, younger brother and his girlfriend have taken me in. He's amazing and she's lovely and they're very insistent that i stay... even though i hate to impose... we'll see. It's so nice just to have a proper home for awhile though!

I've seen heaps more touristy things; buckingham palace (not all it's cracked up to be, it's really just a big, stone house), Big Ben (not all that big, but breathtakingly beautiful - i was literally stunned), Westminster Abbey (wow - very cool, but somewhat depressing, with all those graves...) and more. I LOVE convent gardens and have been there half a dozen times, the shop 'david and goliath' is beyond brilliant. I would've bought half the shop if i weren't so quickly going broke.

I saw Mr.Music for a few hours - any worries i may have had about him being different were quickly put aside. We spent three hours together and, after being on the bottom end of niggling comments, a 45minute wait outside a post office and a viewer of him spitting out fish, he was driving me crazy. Just like always. It was good to see him.

THEN (so exciting), SportinBuddy came to stay!! WOO! We did (too much) shopping - i've now got a hat, gloves, cds and other random crap and she has presents for her family and awesome boots. I was feeling impetuous, sooooo... i got my ears pierced, finally. It doesn't hurt at all, i like the look of it. SB says you can't even tell they're new, which is good, because it means that my mum won't freak out! We went to see The Golden Compass, which was good... but the book is better and they deviated from it more than i would have liked. We watched Notting Hill (thinking ourselves rather witty, us staying there at the time and all) and went out for tea -delicious burgers, yum. Then we hit a few pubs... haha, always fun. Pimms&Lemonade rocks, but hot mulled wine is the best thing since sliced bread. We got SB to the station this morning just in time for her train - this was definately the best three days of the trip so far.

Went to Harrods - the place is amazing. I was terrified that i'd turn around and break something expensive... and the security guards around me looked like they had similar fears! I bought cheese, yum. Also saw camden markets, which was cool.

Gotta run now!


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