Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hello from Europe!

I'm loving europe but missing my blog - i only get a few minutes on a computer here and there, it's awful! I'm on Contiki at the moment, which is scary but i'm having a good time. The people are great and we've all become good friends really quickly, which is bizzare but great.

So far we've hit amsterdam, which was defiantely an experience. Berlin was great because of all the history that we learnt about. Prague was fairly dull and now we're in Munich. Visited Dachau this afternoon, which was emotional.

I'm having a blast but am exhausted - we're out partying almost every night, i've barely had any sleep and i've been sick too, so not eating! But i'm better now and had some sleep on the bus today - ready for a beer hall tonight... it's really inconvenient that i hate beer.

So, i'm surviving and trying lots of interesting new things. I'll post more when i get the chance!


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