Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's All About Random

So, after traversing the Tower of London (cool) and St. Paul's Cathedral (amaaazing - that place is unbelievable) ---- i MADE A FRIEND! WOO HOO!

A 22yr old canadian guy who looked like carson off Queer Eye, was a paradise-style (re: OTT) christian and acted a little like he was high... but apparently wasn't seeing as he'd 'left that shit behind'... ok, so he was a little odd and i'd probably have been freaked out if i wasn't so desparate for company! But i was (desparate, that is). So we went carolling in Trafalger Square, got a slice of pizza (american style) from Leicester Square and went to Convent Gardens to see giant baubles, magic tricks and yummy food. He bought me tea near London Bridge where me met semi-famous people (a guy from the yearling who now makes knitted kaftans for elizabeth hurley, is friends with charleton heston's wife and is gay and his friend who was a russian soloist in fiddler on the roof...). Then we went to see Stomp - a very bizzare production where eight people used brooms, metal rubbish bins, sand, matches, clapping and all sorts of random things to make rhythm. It was amazing. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Can't even begin to describe it. Look it up on you-tube, you'll see what i mean. Then times that by 100 and you'll have some idea of what it's like in person. I loved it.

I got home late (and had to stumble in the dark for 15 mins, driving my roommates crazy, i'm sure) and will never see my random canadian friend again, but it was FUN! And i made the type of memories that you can't make when you're on your own, finally! Good times.

I'm sooo tired... i can't wait until i see mum and dad in Paris so that i can sleep in a proper bed, without trying not to disturb six other guys, and sleep without feeling guilty for not being out exploring!!! Mmm... less than a week :)

OH! AND i get too see SportingBuddy and Mr.Music this weekend and am SO EXCITED that i'll get to talk again! Haha, i've realised that, apart from saying please and thankyou and placing food orders, you don't talk that much when you're on your own, which is killing me! BRING ON THE WEEKEND!!

As you can see, i'm hypo due to over-tiredness...


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