Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Still Alive...

...Though A Little it Frozen

Loving london - even though i'm pretty damn cold. Still, skies are blue and its not raining, so i'm happy. While i'd happily spend my day wandering in Kensington Gardens, i'm making sure i don't. I saw Tate Modern yesterday (loved it... but i'm sure some of the 'art' in there has no more meaning to it than a banana peel...) and Shakespeare's Globe Theatre (couldn't see a play, because it was too cold and they're not putting any on at the moment) and i walked accrosst the Millenium Bridge.

I'd spent the morning in Kensington Gardens - i've decided that i love squirrels. I don't care if they're vermin - until one bites ME, i can tell that i'll love them. They're so CUTE! ANNNND they're so used to people that they'll climb onto your hands. Super cool. Oh, and i saw the statue of Peter Pan, which i loved (i'm such a child!).

Aside from all that, i spend a fair bit of time sitting in a cafe or in a park, writing. Yes, i know you may think that means i'm wasting my time, but i'm not. I love to write and, whether this blog reflects it or not (haha), i'm not too bad at it. PLUS, i don't know anyone and haven't made friends (yet, i hope), so writing is as close as i come to talking!

My hostel, once i found it, was ok. Bit dodge, but whatever. I'm in a room for six. People keeping arriving and leaving - but they all seem to be boys! Hmm... don't think i'll be telling my mum. Every night, everyone starts the dance - coming in and out, getting in late, leaving early - trying not to wake anyone up (and always failing miserably), stubling around in the dark, tripping over the beds, slipping in the shower and battling the hot and cold taps... it's actually quite funny. But you can't expect to sleep past 6am!

Ok. Now that i've done battle with my uni registration today, i'll be off. More exploring to do today!


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