Monday, December 03, 2007



It's been my last week at stateswim before i go away. Because i won't get my shifts back when i get home, it's almost like i'm leaving for good. I've had to say goodbye to all my children and the parents too. I know i complain about working there an awful lot and i can't get the smell of chlorine off my skin after working there ten days in a row, but i actually like it.

I looooove teaching the littluns, they just are so lovely! Like, last week, one of the kids said he say a shark and that it told him it loved him. How cute! Another one just swam up to me and gave me a cuddle for no reason. A few of the kids were really sad to find out that i'm leaving and gave me hugs and big goodbyes. One brought me a shell from her last trip to the beach. The parents all said that they didn't want me to leave and were going to ask my supervisor if they could have me back again when i get home! Yay! One of my other supervisors came up to tell me that my old kindy class now has kids that refuse to get in the pool without me - the mothers keep asking if i teach at any other time. I feel very loved. Apparently i'm not as awful at the teaching thing as i thought i was.

Plus, the NewGuy and i are bonding. We swap kids and classes and stories. Last week he had a screaming child (it was awful! i hate it when they cry!) so i took the rest of his class with mine while he dealt with her. Then we all played games together. Mmm, bonding. A bunch of the other instructors and i are actually talking now, which is so much nicer than before, where i just did everything silently! Pity that i have to leave now, but hopefully it'll still be all good when i get home!

Aw, i miss my little kiddies already...


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