Monday, December 03, 2007


Neighbourhood Youth Event

Saturday night was our big youth event - a night for all the youth groups in the area to get together for a good time. Ok, so it was hardly a packed event, but we did get a fair few people and were pretty happy with that.

We played a wicked game of volleyball with water balloons! So much fun. You get into pairs and strech a towel between you that you use to catch the balloon and bounce it back over the net. I was terrible at it (haha, heaps of people were much worse) but it rocked. Naturally, it ended in a water fight. SaviourDave got me with two buckets full of water. Soaked! Seeing as it was boiling, that was good. Seeing as i was wearing white, it was less good. Haha. We then played some kind of jailball/protect the chair game. I spent twenty minutes avoiding the ball and not knowing the rules... and all of a sudden i was the only person left in my team, against a whole lot of people on the other side! Uh-oh... with people laughing at my lack of talent and me feeling like an absolute moron BUT i actually managed to stay in! I protected my chair (half due to a lack of aiming skill from the other side) and didn't get hit - not that i managed to hit anyone else either! Finally, Jethro took pity on me and we swapped. Soon, the umpire said the other team won - and people actually congratulated me on doing a good job! Haha, it was fun.

We had a bbq. We played SingStar. We played Playstation Buzz. We watched Dr.B and his mate pretend to be mad scientists and make bubbles go everywhere with fooddye and dry ice. The boys played songs from their new band (Work In Progress) and i sang with them for the worship songs, which was good. Everyone seemed to have an ok time and get on well. Nobody really my age there, which was slightly gay, but i was busy doing the menial tasks like clicking slideshows, taking photos and trying to make sure the kids didn't kill each other, so that was ok.

Everyone left eventually. We packed up and i (in an increasingly bad mood) dropped ShirtlessBuddy and his bro home (which i doubt i'll do again, because he was rude and nasty and not at all nice - no more lift privileges for him). Then off to bed for me. Wild night. But playing the games was fun.


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