Monday, December 03, 2007

Into My Subconscious


Last night i had another one of those dreams that i've had before. But this one was slightly different. It started out different, but warped...

There were a group of four (popular) girls. The entire school decided not to shower anymore because they wanted to save water during the current drought. The popular girls accidentally fell through a time portal and one of the girls came out of it changed - no longer was she the self-absorbed bitch that she had been. She joined the rest of the school on the water strike and made a new australian friend (for some reason, she and everyone else were american...). They became best mates, the aussie girl scored herself a boyfriend and they saved the world's water supply. Then the once-popular girl fell back through the portal. Being a changed woman, she had learnt her lesson and tried to convert her friends to the better way of life. But they, selfishly, wouldn't listen. So, after the (smelly) school dance, the popular girls were ridiculed and went running away, never to return.

As if that weren't bizzare enough, everything changed and it was a different dream, but still revolved around these bizzare portals. I've dreamt of portals to different times before, but usually i go back to change one of my actions (as in, i'm watching a younger me do something and have to change that) so that i'm not in such a mess. This time, i went back hundreds of years ago and change past events to change the world as i know it. Much larger scale this time!

I stepped out of a time portal into what appeared to be an old-school boarding house. I was very confused, as i'd expected to be in my time and be in my house. Suddenly someone stepped out of the doorway across from me and i ducked back to hide in the shadows. It was Angel! But she was dressed in a very old fashioned way, with her hair up in the funny way that they used to sleep in it to make it curly. She had a candle in her hands and was obviously sneaking off somewhere. She disapeared down the stairs and i went off to explore and see what it was that i was supposed to change that would change my future. Off to my left, there was another person coming, so i hid. Bizzarely, it was the SouthAfrican, also dressed funnily (and in a little peaked cap that reminded me of tweedledum and tweedledee from Alice in Wonderland) and he was standing in front of a locked gate, waiting for someone. Perhaps Angel? Just as i was starting to piece together the puzzle pieces and figure out what was wrong here that had to be different... blasted alarm went off and i never did find out. It was incredibly odd. Not only did i step through a time portal to the past but it wasn't even MY past but just some random spot in history with the ancestors of people that i know today... my subconscious has serious issues. But it was still an amusing dream at the time!


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