Monday, December 03, 2007

Friend Or Foe?

I'm only going away for seven weeks. Which, in the scheme of things, isn't too long. Couple that with the fact that i'm not good with being the centre of attention unless there are extenuating circumstances. There are a few people whom i'd expect to say 'ok, i HAVE to see you before you go'. However, some of those few people have gone somewhat AWOL. Instead, a few people who i consider good friends but not the kind who call out of the blue to see if i'm ok, have been planning catch ups. Ordering coffee dates. Planning to come to the airport. I didn't expect it and it's thrown me off slightly. Being loved by people i didn't expect love from was a little disconcerting. Let's just say i'm surprised at who's making a fuss of me before i go.


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