Thursday, December 06, 2007

Coffee Break

One, Two, Three


I got my hair cut! I went to a new woman and was worried, because my hair isn't easy to cut... but i loved how she did it, it was great! She curled it nicely and it looked all pretty :P It's shorter though. I'm never going to get it grown out again!

I went into town to see Roz. RandomBen was there again. We grabbed a quick bite at the villi's cafe, i looked through Roz's england stuff to see if there was anything i could borrow and then i was off to my next appointment...

I met Pious and Felix-the-Cat at the malls balls. FTC had wanted to catch up before i left and Pious was leaving a few days after me. We had chips (healthy, i know) in the food court and bitched about our respective lives for a few hours. I won an argument about subject selection for next year (which is a big deal, seeing as FTC is so much cleverer than me usually :P). Pious left and i went looking at teapots with FTC, because that's what he wanted to get his mum and dad for chrissy. Random. Did you know how much it costs for a teapot? A really nice one was almost $90! We decided we wouldn't get a teapot that day. FTC left me, as i had to swap my bathers for a different size without a receipt and he didn't think i could do it (and didn't want to watch me try) - but i proved him wrong. Yay!

I rang Loz and we got hot chips for our last day of 'Loz and Annie's junk food and dvd's' for the year. The Librarian had to cancel our last annual catch up for '08 (!), so we watched SATC (of which i am the proud owner of all siz seasons) until it was time for my next catch-up.

We went to Paparazzi for tea with English, Angel, Loz, Violet, Dr.B, ShirtlessBuddy, Hell, Im, myself and some others. It was technically a 'good-bye annie' thing, but we really just had a good catch-up (not that we don't all see each other often enough). After tea, we went bowling! Loz and Angel were in my lane and i came second both times, hurrah! I didn't fall over, throw the ball backwards or do anything stupid - and i even managed to get a few spares and strikes! I was impressed (and a few of the others were suprised :P). English and ShirtlessBuddy stopped making me cry, which was nice :) Haha, we got to the end of the evening and almost started the big two-month goodbye... before we realised that everyone would see me again before i left :P

It was quite late by the time we got home (i felt bad for keeping shirtless buddy out on a school night!). But it was a good night, i liked seeing everyone, we were all friends and everything was reasonably smiley :) I was glad that Vi and Angel organised it.



I went to church to work as per usual today. However, unlike usual, it was the last time that i'd be there for Panda Playgroup (the kiddie+parent program on thursday morning)! I had to say good-bye to all of my darling little ones! Little Eddie gave me a cuddle, Liza got a wobbly bottom lip and i had to convince her i wasn't going forever, Deany-Bean gave me a slobbery kiss and hug and darling Bobby thought that it was my birthday (because daddy had gone to my 'party' last night) and got a little confused, but still gave me a sweet little kiss. I made props for the children's chrissy production and, at the staff meeting, Dr.B and one of the darling older ladies had a cake to farewell me (mmm, cookies and ice-cream cake!). It was lovely of them. The minister made everyone lay a hand on me and pray for me, which made me a little uncomfortable, but the fact that they all care about me and genuinely seem to think that they'll miss me while i'm gone means lots to me.

After the staff meeting Dr.B talked to me about the funeral the other day (which he'd volunteered to come to, which was very sweet). He wanted to make sure i was ok. Then, after talking a little about the trip, we ended up looking at shops online to see if i'd be able to buy a nice jacket over in London. Haha, shopping online with my boss/male youth pastor isn't really something i thought i'd be doing, but he knew his way around on those sites better than i did :P

I organised my bank card for while i'm away before heading off to babysit. After waiting in my boiling hot car for half an hour, i went in to pick the girls up... only to find that their dad had been confused and thought i wasn't coming, because i'd already left. So i had to drop them home and then leave - and wasn't paid. Grr... but i guess it was an honest mistake.

Instead, i visited Angel at work. I hung out there with free drinks and snacks for a couple of hours, chatting to her and her workmates in between their orders. That was fun. I was there until 5, because i'd promised that i'd visit ShirtlessBuddy at his new work before i went away, and his shift didn't start until then. So, the lovely person that i am, i back-tracked and went to see him. He's such a teen - yesterday he pouted because i hadn't come to see him, so i go and see him... and he acts like i'm such a drag :P haha, still, i know he appreciated it (on some level) and my standing there for ten minutes pretending to look at the crappy $2 stuff on the counter - and looking like an absolute tool, i'm sure - wasn't all for nothing. Haha, even if i'm a dork, at least i'm a well-meaning one!

Well, back to the dreariness now, i've got music to sort, diary entries to write, clothes to pack and sleep to get before another day of work tomorrow! Nite all!


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