Monday, December 10, 2007


Putting It To The Test...

So, sunday morning had me putting the theory that getting on a plane drunk/hungover is a good idea to the test... but i'll start from the beginning.

Friday morning saw my last shift at stateswim end in heartfelt farewells from a bunch of four year olds who were worried that they'd never see me again and ended with me being very late for church. But, no worries there, seeing as Violet, Dr.B and i went for coffee and spent the rest of the afternoon trying to work - but trying is the operative word, as i spend most of the time figuring out uni timetables and Dr.B... well, i don't know what he was doing, but it kept him busy right up until 4.30, when a few people rocked up for bible study and i found myself doing battle with a stapler, metres of tinsel and a homemade bus-stop for the christmas play.

After work, we went carolling!! I've always wanted to do that, but always thought it wasn't something that was done in Oz - but Dr.B said we could do it anyway! And so we set out - four carolers, a baby, two boys who had no purpose other than to letterbox drop for us - bedecked in tinsel and christmas baubles. We went to a few resthavens, and the residents really appreciated us. Then we visited a few houses, got chicken and chips for tea and ended at Dr.B's parents place - complete with supper and compliments about our singing :P Much fun!

We finished an hour late, which threw a spanner into the already shaky plans for my last night out with everyone... so, a foul mood, colvin, a ride from Angel and my pretty dress later and i was set. We gave up on the stag and (at the very emphatic demand of one of us) Angel, RandomBen, Roz, LozK and myself hit the elephant. Not only did this place have the coolest name ever, but it had the most awesome band! They played stuff like Summer of '69, Nutbush City Limits and Jesse's Girl - rockin' stuff when you're wanting some hyperactive dancing! Even better when someone else is paying for most of your drinks (especially when you're knocking them back faster that a woodpecker knocks on wood :P). We were there a few hours before LozK and Colv left - then we hit the Austral... being the fifth wheel with two couples didn't sit too well with me, so, after Roz's hilarious attempts trying to fix me up with some guy on crutches (no idea what she was trying there!) we bailed and Angel played chauffer and took me home. Good night! Not at all what i was expecting, but awesome anyway.

Even though i only got home at 2.30am, i was up early to get ready for the WEDDING! Roz rocked up to see me all frocked up... only to find me in my daggy rags and in need of a quick stop at target for a decent straples bra! I got all prettied up and went to the church - everyone looked lovely and the wedding was gorgeous! MarriedMan (now actually deserving his name!) was amazing - he looked so excited, not scared at all. His new bride was wearing a dress that was absoluetly beautiful. Afterwards, some of us went for lunch before the reception at the wine centre. Although my feet were beyond killing me, i cheerfully made it through, having a blast (free drinks and good company can do that to you). Speeches, cutting the cake, farewelling the happy couple and hitching a lift home with RevJ (more farewells there, to him, his wife, Dr.B, Frau.C, etc...) saw out my afternoon - SaviourDave was a fantastic rent-a-date; gallant, complimentary and lots of fun! I now officially LOVE weddings, and am SO happy for this particular happy couple!

With a few hours to spare before we all went out to 'celebrate the wedding', i got changed (exchanging my pretty wedding dress for my favourite pretty pink dress :P) i went to BigSisters 19th - games night! We had an absolute blast playing Billionaire, Uno and Jungle Speed - just screaming at each other (good-naturedly). I had a ball; i hadn't seen most of the girls in far too long and was in high spirits, what with the champagne and fun! I stayed for a few hours, before heading off.

Mum took me to the Alma, to meet the SouthAfrican... who didn't show up! He called and told me that his bro and TinyTim (who i loved seeing again) were coming to meet me. They brought 'C' and got a few rounds of drinks. Unable to get out of them where the SouthAfrican actually was, the three drunken boys eventually decided to leave and we walked to a nearby house. There's been a change of plans and post-wedding emotions were running high, so we weren't going out after all... but TinyTim wouldn't hear of that, so he, C and i went into town. Seeing as TinyTim REFUSED to wait in a line (and of course, everywhere has a line at 12.30am on a saturday night), we walked for aaaaages and eventually ended up in a dive called MojoBar, somewhere on Hindley. With C paying for me (seeing as i was leaving the country and all!), i was easy, didn't mind where we were at. Next, we hit HQ. More drinks, dancing, drinking and dancing followed - with my rejecting C's unwanted advances and seeking protection from TinyTim! Around 4.30am we realised we really needed to head off... unfortunately, that meant C was coming with TinyTim and i back to my place.

He scored the bed. Loooooots of water later, TinyTim and i had a mattress on the floor. My alarms were set to go off at half seven (i still hadn't packed!) but i didn't get any sleep between lying down and when the beeping started. I had to kick the boys out early - having C there was beyond strange... haha, and when mum asked, Roz had been there the whole time... Awesome night though. Worth C's creepiness, as i had a blast with TinyTim.

And i had all of about 3hrs to pack...


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