Monday, November 12, 2007

We All Hate November

Studying = Student + Dying

It's that time again. Exam time. In the last two weeks, it has become apparent that i'm going to dread november for at least the next five years. It will always mean the same thing; endless days where you can't go out without the 'i should be studying' guilt, boredom, procrastination, very little study - and then absolute panic the day or so before the exam when it's come to crunch time and you still haven't studied. It's always the same.

My first exam (psychology) is tomorrow. I only started preparing for it today - but, in my defence, i was preparing for my contracts exams, which is on wednesday. I wasn't being totally slack. So, i've read my notes from the semester, used the interactive dvd and am considering going through some of the revision questions. Am i prepared to face 60 multiple choice questions on four different topics? I can't even remember whether i lose marks for questions i answer wrongly...

Ah well, very little i can do about it now! By lunchtime tomorrow it'll be over, i'll be worrying about the fill-in i have at stateswim tomorrow afternoon and my contracts exam the next day and psych will be behind me.



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