Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Brain Fried

Two Down, One Week Until Freedom

Psych exam? Done.
Contracts exam? Done.
Do i know how i went? Nope.
Am i thinking about it? Not really.
Am i counting the days until next tuesday night? Ohhh yea.

Seeing Amz and Felix-the-Cat today rocked. They're good fun and not seeing them for a few days made me realise that i do like their company and don't just hang out with them to avoid being alone at uni. Yay!

I've done the dangerous thing of investing expectations in next week. I'm going out almost every night (hey, i have to celebrate my freedom!) and want to have fun! BUT the dangerous thing is thinking that i WILL have fun - it's never a good idea to set yourself up for a fall :P

I did, however, convince pious and felix-the-cat to come to the Ed on tuesday, hurrah! Should be good fun.

Now i'm watching Sex and the City and blogging and emailing people and playing on facebook... and i'm actually rather bored. Busy day tomorrow, so i should go to bed - but i don't know what i'm going to wear and haven't got a good book to read! So maybe i'll stick around here a little longer!


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