Friday, November 16, 2007

Thursday Says This

Here's What Went Down

Well, i worked at church in the morning and had a good time with darling Bobby while his mama was off and about. I even managed to get some proper work done. Which was productive, if nothing else. Home to grab lunch, then off to babysit on my regular thursday arvo gig - but this time there was a welcome twist. After i'd dropped the older two off at dancing and 'improv' classes, the little one went swimming. This meant i got to put on my shorts, lie in the sun and devour the book that i've been reading the last few weeks at their place (i have to cross my fingers that it won't have been returned to the library by the next time i go!). Yay! Sun!

Then off to annesley - just in time to grab the end of the SouthAfrican's slushee. Mmmm. It was just he and i, which (scarily) meant that i had to sing on my own. Without warming up and nerves on the highest of high strings, i sounded like a bad of cats being flung repeatedly against a wall. Eww... but we blew past it and eventually the girls drowned me out. The SouthAfrican gave a great talk about how the future is entirely undecided and we just have to let God take the reins... although that is easier said that done, naturally.

Afterwards, i went to Loz's place. We were off to the SouthAfrican's for a bbq but sat around exchanging gossip for an hour or more before leaving. As always, i'm full of drama to share (this time we covered the evil of exams, the dangerous expectations of our numerous nights out next week and boys, boys, boys - life's greatest and most confusing evil...). When we finally left, i followed my directions perfectly, getting us there without a single wrong turn - despite the landmark orange maple leaf looking far more like a giant orange surfboard and nearly throwing me off track.

The bbq bordered on bizzare, but not in a bad way. It was almost like old times - the guys, Loz and i. But the 'new' church people were there too and that altered the dynamics. I'm noy good with change. Though there was a time a few months ago where i actually wasn't 'scared of people', as i'm apt to phrase it, i have now regressed and am as sad to say that i am more uncomfortable with people that i haven't known for years than i've ever been. New social situations literally leave me short of breath in panic. Yes, i'm a freakshow with severe emotional problems - and this isn't even discussing the fact that i can't touch people without feeling incredibly uncomfortable. I've always known this, but LittleM pointed it out awhile ago on our path to being more affectionate. Now i've noticed it everywhere. I don't hug people unless they hug me first. My friends who (bizzarely) have the tendancy of slapping me on the ass make me literally jump away from them. Even a touch on the arm or leg can make my insides constrics. I think i'm crazy.

But i digress. The point was, i had a few good laughs with everyone, had a sausage and a shazlick and played nice. I got to see one of the guys who i've not seen in weeks, which was good, because he always makes me laugh. Eventually, a few of the others arrives and Loz and i headed home. She was tired and i was drained, so we left. We didn't get lost - though we did spend about three minutes (of our fifteen minute journey) thinking that we were headed away from adelaide, rather than towards it. We weren't.

Bed was a pleasant release from a busy day. But i enjoyed lying next to the beautiful pool, having a little laugh and seeing darling bobby. Despite my crazy inner workings. All in a day's work.


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