Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Voices In The Night

From The Other Side Of The World To My Reciever

Last night, at 12.15, i got a phone call. I was just dozing off so, when What Dreams Are Made Of blasted out of my phone which was tucked under my pillow, i picked it up and had to mumble 'hello' a few times before i could finally make out that it was Mr.Music on the other end. Apparently he had the time difference confused. Hmph.

Over a half hour later, we'd had a big long talk about our trip to india and caught each other up on the goss from our respective ends of the globe. It was fantastic to talk to him on the phone; aside from the little american-isms that were making the way into his speech, he seemed like the same old guy that had left australia behind six months ago. You forget how much you miss people when you can't hear their voice.

In other news, Noodle came home today. It was good to see her when i went over for awhile tonight. She's changed, but i guess i have too. It'll take awhile before we slip back into our comfy regular ways. But i'm glad she's home again. We're finally reclaiming our lost ones from the freezing land that is england.


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