Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Everytime A Peanut

Ever Wonder...

Have you ever heard the phrase 'everytime a peanut'? What do you think it means? I was listening to the radio yesterday and thought this was pretty funny...

Option #1:
Origin: comes from when you stick your hand into a bag of mixed nuts, hoping for an almond/fruchoc/macademia nut and you get a peanut - everytime!
Use: used when the same annoying thing just keeps on happening.

Option #2:
Origin: comes from carnivals where carneys used to yell out 'everytime a coconut' when you continuously threw a ring over something dodgy at the ring toss stall.
Use: used when the same bad thing just keeps popping up.

Origin #3:
Origin: comes from those men you see with a monkey playing music. What are they called again? But everytime the monkey does the right thing, he gets a peanut.
Use:used when you get a silly reward for doing the same thing over and over again.

Bizzare phrase. I think we should insert it into regular rotation. Along with the word 'scweet' - a cross between 'score' and 'sweet'. By the way - which origin do you think is actually the right one?



Margie Blystone said...

Never heard the saying here in the states... However, that thing the monkey plays is called an 'Organ Grinder' :-)

Anonymous said...

haha!! i've never heard of that before... were you listening to Hamish and Andy on Fox Fm?