Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sex and the City

What We Can't Have

Sex and the City has (temporarily) overtaken friends in my viewing schedule. I'm sure it won't last, but for the moment i'm hooked on the four, single, thirty-something gals who wow new york with their sex scandals, relationship disasters and friendship traumas. As are millions of people all over the world.

A moment ago, i realised what's bizzare about this. These four women all have enormous amounts of sex. Alarming amounts. I'm talking absolute plethoras. It's crazy. And if these were people that many of us met on the street (and happened to immediately learn how many sexual partners they've had in their life), we would immediately judge them. We would stereotype them as a certain type of person, and many of us would disaprove on some level. Because society labels people who sleep with so dozens of people without even getting to know them in a certain way.

Why, then, do so many people tune in to SATC? Is it to judge these four women and disaprove of the storylines? Hardly. People all over the world don't fall in love with characters who they disaprove of.

Do we secretly covet the frivolity and freedom of these women? Do we wish that we could behave however we want and not be judged by the people around us? Maybe we do. Maybe we wish that we could hit up the world for all it has to offer and for everything that we want, throwing the disapproving looks from everybody else out the window. Just like those fabulous new york-ers we've come to love.


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