Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Three Months Of Freedom

Finally, finally i'm finished. As of 2.45pm this afternoon, the world is my oyster. My day of freedom meant that i got free tea with the SouthAfrica, complete with a gossip over the counter as it was a slow morning. My exam was... ok. Not great, but ok. But at least it's over! Then i needed to by a bottle of champagne for a friend's big romantic date tonight. It was hard! The first place we went wouldn't serve me because he wasn't 18 and they thought i was buying it for him to take to schoolies. The second place i went in on my own, had a friendly guy help me pick something decent for him and didn't even get carded. Score! I picked up my yearbook, hurray! There are a few reports in there that i've written - and i sound like such a walford girl... ew. A quick visit to Angel at her work, where i had another gossip over the counter as a few customers popped in and out. Good day.

Tonight i'm going out... but it's cold and i'm tired and i don't think my pretty new dress is suited to the occassion :P Too hard. I'm rolling my eyes. But fingers crossed i have fun anyway!



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