Monday, November 26, 2007

No Space To Breathe

I haven't had more than a minute to myself in the past few days. Hence the suffering of the blog. It's been flat out!

I've worked what feels like a million hours; i folded brochures, stuffed hundreds of envelopes, supported thousands of flailing children through water and have the smell of chlorine permanently ingrained on my skin. Ew. Buuuut still fun.

In all of my post exam freedom, i ended up barely leaving the house. What, with bailing friends and extreme exhaustion, it just didn't happen. BUT i did get one decent photo of me in my ensconsing new dress... even if i was only out an hour and my feeling svelt was cut short (awful luck, seeing as drinks were so cheap!). We had to bail on pubcrawl, seeing as only Loz and i didn't pull out and we didn't really see the point. Bum.

So, on my first friday night of freeddom, i watched Oceans 13 with English - which felt a little bizzare... i hadn't seen him in almost a month (and in that month he grew a foot, sprouted a hefty tan, got great hair and a new wardrobe). Something feels like it's shifted. Doesn't seem like cuddles and close friendship are still on the horizon. But we'll see. As for the movie? It rocked. Better than the second, worse than the first, but fantastic overall! Watch it.

We ran a bbq to raise money at church on election day. It was an interesting change of pace - serving sausages, avoiding election leaflets and voting! I voted in my first ever election! Not that exciting... but i did manage to piss my parents off by voting a different way to them.

Last night (after a particularly apt sermon on 'community') was a picnic at Ridge park. Even though it was freezing and nobody had the foresight to bring jumpers, we had fun. And ShirtlessBuddy, his brother and English had another chance to trash my car... it was scary. They had the most AWESOME playground - it had twirly climbing things, swings, merry-go-rounds... i'm a child at heart.

I spent SIX HOURS shopping today. For the wedding, for the trip... yes, i got a super-cool haul but i never want to set foot in a shop again :P Buuuuuut i got pretty new clothes, shoes, jewellery... score! Thanks to mothers everywhere for their credit cards that they like to use onm their daughters.

And now i'm off to visit noodle. See you!


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