Sunday, November 04, 2007

Random Poetry with the Irishman

Ok, he does one line, i did the next. Can you pick who went first?

Walk on the Ocean
Walk on the ocean stepping on the stones,
Feet dancing over the rock, toes splashing.
The cold water shivers me to my bones,
So i run faster to try and keep warm.
My feet fleet to the sound of my lovers heart beat,
and i falter, unable to move properly in the face of the raw emotion.
Dashed against the rocks with the waves swooning motion,
pushed under as the tide battles against me, wanting me to fight.
As I fall arms stretch out like an uncompromising light,
almost catching you, almost grabbing hold... but not quite...
and then the waves leaves just me and you - walking on the ocean

Random, hey. But i think it reflected life at the time. Though it's interesting to see how the 'optimistic' lines alternate between the two of us, almost as if we both wanted it to end well, but couldn't quite bring ourselves to have the happy ending... until one of us made it have a happy ending... isn't life funny sometimes?


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