Monday, October 15, 2007

Tyre Power Pro

Let's Tempt The Fates

Awhile ago i drove over a nail and got a flat tyre. The RAA dude helped change it for the spare anc i wheeled the punctured one into the yard. The plan was to palm it off to dad to fix. However, when he and mum jetted off to hong kong/toronto/new york, leaving us at the mercy of my grandmother (something to be discussed at another point in time!), the tyre was left, deflated and alone, resting against the gate.

Before he left the country, Mr.Music - strange as it may seem - was my go-to-guy on car troubles. I remember him trying to teach me where the oil thingy was under the hood and all sorts... not that i remember any of it. Now, when i'm faced with the issue of hauling the icky, oily tyre into my boot and then facing the tyre guys at the shop, i'm a little wary. I don't want them to rip me off!

While Dr.B valiantly offered to help me, i rejected him - i thought that my boss/youth pastor rocking up to help me fix my car was just a little bizzare... at a lack of guy friends to ask, i asked another guy i know, but was met with an unenthusiastic response (unacceptable from a male - i've decided they should all be very excited at the prospect of showing off their car-knowledge to anyone and everyone who asks for it!) so let him off the hook.

Yesterday, with some difficulty, i managed to haul the tyre from the back yard, through the numerous gates and into the boot with only minimal damage to a wall and my hands. Now it's safely stowed away in my boot... but i'm yet to find the courage to visit the tyre men, explain to them the problem and try to figure out if they're ripping me off... but i will, i promise!

In the interests of experimenting, i'm going to test JUST how bad my luck is - i'm figuring that if i can manage to hold off from getting another puncture between now and when i get the spare fixed, then my luck may have changed a little for the better (just a little, i'm not greedy!). If not, then i'll know that i must have broken a lot of mirrors at some point in my life. Wish me luck!

I'll keep you posted.


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