Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Good Day

Little Bit At A Time

Today was my 9-5 at uni. Usually, it's beyond sucky, because it just goes on and on and on and on and on... but today was good!

I stayed awake and on top of things throughout my entire criminal lecture. Felix the Cat and i mucked around for our hour break, and visited the library where i ran into the South African's Brother for a quick chat, and another girl who i'd grown up with at church. I LOVE running into people that i know at Flinders. There's nothing like running into another tiny fish in an enormous pond to remind you that you're not totally alone.

Next was my amazingly boring lawyering lecture - but again, i managed to stay awake and actually listen! Ok, so i was also drawing owls on my pad and playing with Felix the Cat's Gahn pen... but whatever :P We dubbed the theatre the 'theatre of smells' - the first half of the lecture was spent with us suffocating in leftover cigarette smoke and the second half with us smothered in some girl's perfume... bizzare.

I had a two hour break, which i normally fill by sitting alone in the South African's cafe, catching sentences of conversation with him as he clear's tables and i try to read things - thank goodness he's back in the country now! But, today i had lunch with the South African's Brother! We had a good old catch up and a gossip, which was fun. I don't really know the guy that well and a always think that our conversations are slightly awkward - but today was very bonding :P His friend rocked up and joined us; we had lengthy conversations about the UN in Switzerland, the benefits of procrastinating study and the merits of our sandwiches. The random guy seemed nice and polite - he waited for me to finish my tea before dragging the South African's Brother off to study. I'll miss that boy when he goes to QLD at the end of the year!

Haha, my random lunch with those guys made my day - i felt very loved. I spoke to a few of the girls about my psych assingment and it felt casual, not stilted. I even felt loved enough to speak up in my contract tute and give a few right answers. I think i even cracked a joke or two! In my lawyering tute went well, because my terror over giving my advocacy submission was unfounded and it went fine. My group finished speedily and we all had a good chat. It was cool, getting to know some of the girls a little better.

It was a good day at uni. I saw so many different people that i knew well enough to talk to, which is a massive step for me. Uni finally got a little more like what i thought it would be like. Hopefully, it'll keep getting better. And eventually won't be so icky anymore! I'm very chuffed. Haha, we all know how the tiniest little things can make me smile.


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