Monday, October 15, 2007

Centre Point

Yes, I AM The Center Of The Universe!

Who remembers 'creepy seb' from back in our school days? If you remember him, you're most likely to remember his shirt - the one that boldly claimed that 'yes, he was the center of the universe'. At the time, it was funny, because we weren't sure how it was possible that he could ever think that he was the center of our universe. I have since come to the realisation that it was possible.

You see, i've decided that it's human nature to assume that one is the center of everything. I do it myself; if someone is angry, i assume it's my fault (though it often is, so maybe i have good reason for that). There are people who assume that, if someone is sad, they're surely the only reason why. People that assume they're God's gift to women and that they're the BEST of the best (On a side note, these people are often lots of fun, because it's hilarious to watch when they get shut down - or when they've been drinking and do things like try to hit on their cousins... ahem *the sleaze*...).

People can't help but think that their actions directly cause tsunamis in other people's lives. I wonder what it would be like if people could gain perspective and realise that they are probably only part of a myriad of reasons why a person is behaving as they are. Maybe things wouldn't change, as people wouldn't be able to throw off that feeling that they truly are the centre of things. But maybe people would be better informed about each other, if they realised that there were always so many factors that make people behave at they do.

Just an idea i've been pondering of late. I know lots of people in my life think that they're the reason for things being one way or another (like someone who thinks they're totally responsible for my fun on friday night :P), but they'd probably find themselves wrong.

As for myself, i think i'll see how it goes when i assume that i'm not the root of all evil - or, conversely, a little ray of sunshine that can make most anyone laugh.


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