Sunday, October 28, 2007

Psychologically Disturbed?

Twisted Pictures Presents...

It should worry me that, as a girl, i should get so much enjoyment out of the sick and twisted movies that are the Saw movies.

Wednesday night: Loz and LozK rocked up (after a hectic afternoon shopping with Loz, on one of our afternoon adventures) to watch the first Saw movies, in preparation for the release of the fourth the next day. Half way through, Roz and RandomBen rocked up, totally unexpectedly - having told me that they were bailing - and stayed for an hour or so before leaving again. The rest of us hung around to watch the end and went home feeling pleased that we were all set for the next movie and survived such scary movies.

Thursday night: the SouthAfrican, LozK and Colv met us at the movies to see Saw4 and we were so excited! Suprisingly, Roz and RandomBen again rocked up, after bailing, to join us. We sat through the movie in the expected state; hands in mouths, knees up to our chests, breathing quickly, unable to look away from the horrors and complex storylines that were unfolding before us. GREAT movie. Very satisfying. The SouthAfrican dropped me home and it was off to bed for me.

Friday night: dinner with the old gang at mitcham first. I hadn't seen that side of my old friendship group in a very long time, so it was good to catch up. Especially with Kash, who just got home from China/Thailand/Cambodia and everywhere in between. Afterwards, Dodd and i bailed, heading back to my place. We watched Saw2 again, just for fun. Then she rang Roz - despite me protests (i was so tired!), she invited her over. At midnight, up rocked Roz and RandomBen - haha, yes, apparently they are conjoined now. After some news that majorly pissed me off, i was in a mood (which scared RandomBen, who didn't know about my mood swings). RandomBen redeemed himself by catching a spider and putting it outside, though he did taunt me with it first. I was hyperventilating, i really dislike spiders. Ew. While Roz and Dodd mucked around on the computer, RandomBen and i snoozed, until they finally got the hint that i was exhausted (helped, i'm sure, by the fact that RandomBen stuck on of darling Bobby's dummies in my mouth for comfort) and headed off.

I think i saw a little too much psychological grossness this week. Maybe it will permanently hamper my psyche. Hmm...


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