Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Persuasive Talent

I had a four hour break today. I had a wander with Felix-the-Cat, then managed to keep Loz with me for three and a half hours, rather than just one. I had lunch with the South African. The South African's brother had coffee with me for a few hours, while we caught up on all the goss. It was lots of fun - like last week, i enjoyed talking to him, especially seeing as we don't usually talk much and actually get along pretty well. He tied me over until 2pm when i finally had another class. It was a loooooong break, with looooots of tea, but it was lots of fun. Haha, can't believe i managed to fill all four hours with friends! Though it did mean that i really didn't get much work done... ah well!

Oh - for the record? The South Africans are not officially Australians now! They had their citizenship ceremony last night and we're all super proud that we can call them aussie wankers now :P I think they've dubbed themselves 'saussies'...

Violet and i went to see Nanny Diaries tonight - i don't think she liked it, but i rather did. It was a good adaptation of the book, as well as being a perceptive look at the anthropology of the upper class. It was funny at times, truly tugged at the heart strings at others (i'm a sucker of emotional flicks involving kids) and Scarlett Johannssen pulled off the role of Annie Braddock well, even though it was possibly outside the stereotypical bombshell role that she often plays. I'd say it's worth a look, even if you wait until it comes out on dvd.

Now, after mucking round on facebook for hours and making new friends, as well as avoiding any preparation that i may have needed to do for uni tomorrow, i think i may head off to beddie-byes... i never seem to get enough sleep! So much to do tomorrow... as always!

Night all


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