Sunday, October 14, 2007

I needed him to look after me. Even if he wasn't going to be with me, i needed him to make it better. Even now, i want him to hug me and let me cry against him, and then i want him to say something that's going to make it all better. I hoped that he'd be the person i could trust absolutely, who'd never hurt me and i was disapointed. I liked him and i miss him and i miss that he liked me. I miss feeling like someone liking me for being me was a possibility. There is nothing that you could reveal about yourself that i don't want to know - that's how i felt. That he could tell me anything, that i could tell him anything and that he wouldn't jusge me. I did tell him lots and he didn't judge me. That doesn't happen very often. That's what i miss. That's why i'm still sad on the inside.

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