Sunday, October 14, 2007

Music In Me

How Much Does The Music Mean To You?

I'm one of those people that remembers the music that was playing when something happens. I remember that Dido's Here With Me is what's playing when Mark leaves Juliette standing in his apartment in Love Actually. I remember that i was playing Atomic Kitten when i re-read The Dark Is Rising series. I remember that Mr.Music made me listen to some stupid Zombies song by the Cranberries a million times, just because he thought it was cool and that i would sing it well. I remember crying to Closing Time by Matchbox Twenty when we had our muck-up-day graduation. I remember singing Like An Eagle at the JSHAA awards in year five and singing Lil' Liza Jane at the Adelaide Girls Choir auditions in year four. I remember singing What Dreams Are Made Of from the Lizzie McGuire Movie with Noodle on the plane home from China, where we scared people when we were so loud. I remember the music.

Music is what plays in your head when things are happening, like the music that plays during the credits of a film. It's the soundtrack to life, whether it's Stumble and Fall by Razorlight, or the sound of birds and traffic.

I love music. Singing makes me happy and i feel confident when i do it (mostly!). I've still got a guitar that i'll learn to play. I want to work on piano too. I wish i could write music and will try to teach myself how someday.

I've taken to wandering the streets, i-pod in, singing aloud and not caring who hears me... well, to some extent! It's theraputic and i enjoy it. Hours can pass without my even noticing.

I'm the kind of person who hears good music in a movie and will go hunt it down. I've already tracked down the soundtracks to High School Musical 2 and Hairspray.

My i-pod is the soundtrack to my life. I've got my sad songs, my happy songs, my hypo songs, my friends songs, my favourite songs. You can tell lots about a person, just by the songs that they listen to!

One day, i'd love to be in a band. I think that'd be the coolest thing ever; making music with people who cared about it just as much as you do.

At church on sunday nights, we have a band. The music is a big part of the service. Some people just stand and sing. Some think about the meaning behind the words. Some take comfort in the melodies. Some people lift their hands in praise. Some sit down under the weight of the meaning. Some cry. Some smile. It means something.

I love that something so simple, so create-able is so great. Emotion capturing. All encompassing. Surrounding, enfolding life. It's been around forever. And before that, i don't know how people managed! I love it.


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