Friday, June 22, 2007


It's Over!

You can tell that it's been a long week when i've been too tired to lift my fingers and blog - even now i can barely formulate sentences. I just thought that i'd let you know i'm still alive (though just barely) and fill you in -very briefly- on the happenings of the week.

Aside from the intense lack of sleep and total exhaustion from the stress and frantic nature of my study, i've had three fairly awful exams... but i'm not even going to think about them, because there's nothing that i can do about it now, and there's no point terrifying myself... Ick.

Ok, topic change! I went to IKEA this arvo - and was TOTALLY let down! DrB and i got ABSOLUTELY NO inspiration for our lovely new youth room. We did get a cool green shelf for $10 though, which was pretty sweet. Then we headed back to church where he, SaviourDave, Shirtless Buddy and i made Burritos - i feel ultra successed that we managed to make them without burning down the kitchen :P Plus, we had homemade apple pie, yum. So that was fun, a nice chill-ax-ing way to end the stress of exams.

Ohhhh - funness: I've spent the week messaging my new friend, which has been super fun (if not somewhat unproductive...). Lol, somewhat frustrating though...

I think tomorrow is the celebration (of the freedom!) night, so we're heading into town... though i warn all who are joining us that i am wearing jeans and will possibly fall asleep in the taxi... but meh, it's all about the fun.

Bonne Nuit!


1 comment:

Barb said...

Oh geez.. burritos sound SO good!