Thursday, April 26, 2007

Immaturity Rears It's Head

Who Says I'm All Grown-Up?

Ok, so i occasionally claim to be all adult and mature. At other times i giggle and fidget like a three-year old. I've resigned myself to being neither mature or immature. I'm nearly eighteen. I'm a teenager. Maybe it's in our job description to waver between the two, never fully committing to either. I think i like it that way. It gives me an excuse to act like a child, carefree and happy. But i can still pull rank and act mature. It's all about finding a balance.

Last friday night i had the most fun i've had in a long time. It was the last night of Kids Club. All the children had left, we'd had our de-breif pizza party. Then, all of the junior leaders hung around, for no reason other than the fact that we enjoyed each others company. All of a sudden LittleM and the Shirtless Buddy started wrestling. Naturally, we all just stood there, picked sides and took bets on who would win.

I should pause here and explain something. Children have very over-active imaginations. That is why i ended a week at Kids Club having recently divorced LittleM, being engaged to Shirtless Buddy and having an affair with Elmo. I swear, these seven year olds are insane. But apparently, this is my life.

Anyway, i had the tough choice of deciding whether to side with my ex-husband or my fiancee :P Easy choice. It was quickly decided that they were fighting over me. Real mature. Somehow, Loz, myself, Elmo, Haylz and BeanieBoy got in on the action. We confinded ourselves to the green hall and, to the dismay of an oh-so-mature Dr.B (well, maturely in a comparative sense at least), forty-five minutes of tickle fighting ensued.

Now, this was not a simple fight. There were rules. No leaving the green hall. No shoes. Nothing other than tickling. Other than that, anything goes. So, we fought. It was stacks on everyone - i got licked at one point. Ick. Aside: some of our leaders are far too good looking to be engaging in tickle fights. I swear, those boys were thrilled to have an oppourtunity to fight without us girls telling them off. They were loving every second torturing us poor, ticklish females until we cried for mercy. Although we were just as bad! Everytime the fighting stopped (we had quarter- and half-time breaks), someone would start it up again. I have no idea how we entertained ourselves for so long. We shrieked and tickled for ages. It was insane.

Eventually, sore and tired, we ended the fight for good. It sounds absolutely insane - and probably was - but it was definately the most hilarious fun that i've had in an awfully long time.

One of the boys commented the other day that they had never seen me laugh before. Sure, i'd smiled and giggled, but they'd never really seen me laugh out loud. That distressed me. Do i really not laugh anymore? I always used to laugh... well, our tickle-fight at least helped that for a little while.

I woke up the next morning, stiff and sore. I've got bruises all down my sides from poking and prodding little fingers, as well as bruises on my legs and carpet burn on one arm. Talk about war wounds! :P Worth every minute though. Sometimes being immature can lead to the best fun. Nobody can be grown up all of the time.


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