The Joys Of Youth
This movie, recently released, has been called the 'modern day equivalent to "Grease"'. It's light-hearted, it's fun, it's a good laugh. If you want a cinematic masterpiece with dramatic and though provoking plot lines, maybe give this one a miss :P but if you're going for something to pep you up, put you in a decent mood and let you have a good time with your friends, then this is a goodie. 'HSM' has everything you need in a good girlie chick-flick; cool, catch songs with nifty little dances, a happy-ever-after love story and some fun comedy. So, hire it out (or borrow it from me :P) and give it a go. I'll warn you though, wait until after the second song before you give up on it, ok? Because i will grant you that the first section is kind of crappy :P
While on the topic of good chick flicks, 'She's the man' should definately make your "to see" list; i know i saw it three times in the cinemas :P and now i have it on DVD and i watch it all the time. Based on Will Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night', it's definately some good fun. Hilarious and choc-a-block with gorgeous guys, a bitchy girl you love to hate and even a few 'on the edge of your seat' moments, this is another one that you've got to watch with the girls.
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