Unfortunate Condition
Well girlies and guys, i thought i may escape unscathed but apparently my luck has run out. Yes, after a few months of regular posting about everything and nothing, my streak of inspiration is running low. Ok, so i have a huge list of things that i could post about if i wanted to. But it's SO much easier to write about something if you're INSPIRED and the words just FLOW out of you. Don't you think? And, unfortunately, i'm fresh out of those - at least, i've got nothing blog-worthy or blog-suited.
Well girlies and guys, i thought i may escape unscathed but apparently my luck has run out. Yes, after a few months of regular posting about everything and nothing, my streak of inspiration is running low. Ok, so i have a huge list of things that i could post about if i wanted to. But it's SO much easier to write about something if you're INSPIRED and the words just FLOW out of you. Don't you think? And, unfortunately, i'm fresh out of those - at least, i've got nothing blog-worthy or blog-suited.
I don't exactly know what i want to do about this disturbing contraction of Blogger's Block... i love my bloggie, but the symptoms are getting me down; lack of an enthusiastic buzz, loss of concentration, the tendancy to wander off onto another random topic midway through a blog... i was thinking of re-vamping the blog, but i rather like it how it is, lots of nice colours and relatively well set out (at least in my opinion!). So then i thought that it would be nice to have increased participation from 'outsiders' - but that's up to you guys, so not much i can do there :P
Anyhoot, i'll leave it to simmer in my mind and hope i think of something INSPIRING to post about... until i do, if you guys have any suggestions for topics or improvements or whatever, let me know, ok? It'll take you 10 seconds (ok, maybe 15) and you'll get a better blog out of it - provising i decide your idea doesn't suck :P
Nite Nite
P.S; Btw, does anyone else get the feeling that they're working hard but not actually achieving much? I feel slightly like i'm running hard but someone's snuck up behind me and tied me to a pole, so that i can't actually move... it's not a very plesant feeling!
P.P.S; For those who're waiting to be informed, the dress failed in it's aims :P Can't say i didn't tell you so! Ahh well, was still fun.
You should do a blog about all the people you hate and name them.
OR you could to a blog about the 10 things you want to do before you die and get people to add theirs.
OR you could talk about your worst ever date.
OR you could
Hmm... dont really hate anyone so that won't work (no, im not perfect :P i just perfer to intensley dislike if i must). And dates? Well, unless you count... actually, there IS nothing to count, so that's out too. 10 things before i die? that could work. So keep an eye out for it!
Dear anijane..
I may to like to help to write in your bog. I am learnig good english from book and I practice. Hear is poem for you I wish you to like!!!
"The beauty of the human faeces"
In the morning the womans get up and go to the bathroom.
They make there faeces beautiful.
I am love the sight of the human faeces.
I am love to touch, to kiss.
The womans and the transvestites, they, put the lipstick on their faeces.
The nose, the eyes, are the faeces.
But I hate the warts.
By Borat
You like? I like
dude i think you mean faces, faeces are something different
ahem. yes, i would assume that i meant faces... however, despite reading the post several times, i am unable to find the typo to change it (what can i say, im tiiiired)... so, it'll have to stay, at least just for now :P
ahem. just been informed by dearest hani that the typo-comment was referring to a typo in another comment :P opps! lol, i told you i was tired... so ignore me.
I have waited for you to hear you like my poem?
I writed lots more for you. You can pay me for them.
i loved the poem, you have a truly unique style... but if you want to leave more poems, you'll be doing them for free!
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