Sunday, April 11, 2010

So, i'm experiencing some agoraphobia. Leaving the house right now, and seeing people, is scary and hard, and i can't do it. Going out to face the world seems impossible. The thought of going shopping with my mum scares the crap out of me, which is unfortunate as it is a necessity. I didn't go to church tonight, as facing all of those people, some of whom i know will judge me, was a task i couldn't face. I made it to Boyfriend's today, but once i got there i was jumpy and tense. Even though i got huggles, i couldn't stay. I missed a 21st and a hen's night last night. I have to go to work tomorrow, and i'm dreading it. Thank goodness i have two weeks of holidays to pull myself out of this before i have to start attending classes again.

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