Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's a testament to how unexciting my life is at the moment that i have nothing to blog about except my over-load of work that i have to do this week. Boring is an understatement. However, exams have crept up rather quickly and i only have two or so weeks to get my act together, plus an assignment due on thursday that i've not done much of. Oopsie.

Anyway, for once i'm not here to complain about my workload (just think of it as implied).

I'm instead going to tell you about the very corny thing that boyfriend and i have taken to doing. Pretty much every time that we see each other we argue about what to do - neither of us like to decide, for fear of picking something the other doesn't like. Unfortunately this leads to us doing nothing, which gets old pretty fast.

However, there is one thing that we're partial to doing. Once, i took boyfriend up to Windy Point to see the infamous spot where Miha and i drink a lot of coffee. Being young and innocent, he didn't know anything about it, so it was clearly my duty to initiate him. As part of my attraction to all things shiny, i love the lights twinkling and it seems i've passed on my addiction to him.

Now, we lookout hop. Except we've run into a small hitch. Apart from Windy Point there don't seem to be many decent lookouts around. Most have a plethora of trees infront that block the view (stupid!). The best views are on the drive to and from them, which is so silly. We we've explored and finally found a semi-decent spot that you can see all the pretty twinkles from but it's not perfect... so if anyone knows a great spot to see the shiny things, let me know!

I know it's a little corny to go up on a hill and watch the shiny lights but whatever... we don't really go out often and i get bored being inside all the time! So it's better than nothing. And i get a fill of pretty shiny things, which is always a plus.

No idea why i'm telling you this really. But it makes a nice change from study, study, study. Speaking of, i'd better get back to it (or at least keep watching Pretty Woman...).

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