Friday, August 07, 2009

Movie, Movie, Movie, Movie!

(to explain, in my head i'm singing 'Movie, movie, movie, movie!' to the tune of 'Ruby, ruby, ruby, ruby' song by the Kaiser Chiefs...)

As per usual, i've watched a few million movies this week. Ok, so i've watched a handful of movies over and over again all week. Some were shockers, some were awesome. Here's my pick this week...

1) The Accidental Husband
I must admit, i wasn't sure how this one would go down. I just found it in the list of movies that my brother gave me. The movie basically is about a radio Love Doctor who accidentally breaks up someone's engagement. To get revenge, the spurned guy employs his computer hacker friend to marry him to the Love Doctor without her knowledge. Of course, when she goes to get a marriage licence for her and her fiance... she finds out she's already married! Then the whole movie revolves around her getting out of her marriage so that she can marry her fiance. It starred Uma Therman. Usually, i'm not an enormous fan of her. She seems slightly cold and stoic, at least in the movies i've seen her in. However, i was very pleasantly suprised! She did a great job of being personable and likeable, albeit transforming from a slightly uptight woman to a much more relaxed one over the course of about an hour an a half. Add to that Jeffery Dean Morgan and the ever-gorgeous Colin Firth and you have a very good movie! Colin Firth is an absolute darling and he's hilarious in this role. The movie was funny, (some what predictable) and feel-good. Definitely reccomended.

2) The Bucket List
I've been meaning to watch this movie for ages, but keep putting it off because i sensed that it would be quite sad and i don't like watching sad things while i study! But i finally bit the bullet. Granted, it was sad. But it was also a really great movie. It had a certain auplift to it... feel good 'i made something of my life, and died fulfilled after having some great adventures and making great friends' type thing. Personally, i took the deaths at the end quite hard (don't worry, you always know it's going to happen, so it doesn't take you by suprise). But on the whole it was a pretty good few hours. I liked all of the cool things that they did on their Bucket List - for those not in the know, that's a list of things to do before you die. Morbid, but i like lists so... I plan on creating one in the near future. Some of the places that they went will definitely be on my list! Watch it if you want to see something a little more serious than your regular rom-com.

3) The Ugly Truth
I just saw this tonight with Loz. I heard great things about it and have a bit of a girl-crush on Katherine Heigel (not to mention a regular crush on the lovely Gerard Butler), so was pretty stoked. The movie was laugh a minute, literally. And for those a little more conservative - like me - there were plenty of cringe worthy moments... but i won't spoil any of them for you, you'll have to go and see it yourself. Typical rom-com, sure. But there's nothing wrong with that. For a chillaxed friday night, it's a must see. Actually, it's a must-see no matter what, it was hilarious. And i loooooove Katherine Heigel, even though i'm insanely jealous of her gorgeous body. One day, i'm going to wake up and look like that! Well, maybe not, but i can hope! Best movie i've seen in awhile!

I'm currently watching I Love You, Man with Paul Rudd and the guy from How I Met Your Mother (you know, the guy who plays Marshall?). It's hilarious. But before i can pass judgement, i'll have to see how it ends. I'll keep you posted. Ahhhh i love movies. Who knows what i'd do without them!!

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