Saturday, August 15, 2009

Another Week Is Over

I can't believe that saturday is nearly over again... gone are the days where the weekends stretch blissfully on. These days they seem to just be over in a flash. Right now, i should be studying, but i feel sick and horrible and would just prefer to go and sleep for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, i had to spent the morning cooking lunch for people at church, and have to spent tonight at youth group, before dragging myself to a dress up party. I actually do want to see everyone, i just don't have the energy to get dressed up and be cheerful infront of an audience. But i digress...

What i actually was going to tell all of you was to go and see My Sister's Keeper. Miha and i went to see it last night. It was fantastic. Definitely a tear jerker though - Miha is the loud-crying type, so i'm fairly sure she led the rest of the cinema by example. While it was a very emotional movie, it wasn't just your regular tear-fest. The movie had some great actors, conveyed a real sense of the difficulties that the Fitzpatrick family was facing and succeeded in living up to the original novel by Jodi Piccoult that it was adapted from.

The movie was carried by the acting of the two young main characters; Kate (Sofia Vassillieva) played the teenage girl with a particularly rare and aggressive form of leukemia, and Anna (Abigail Breslin) who played her younger sister, genetically engineered to be a perfect match for her sister and help save her life. When Anna sues for medical emancipation from her parents, for the right to her own body, it tears her family apart. Kate is dying and needs a kidney - Anna isn't going to give it to her. But the story isn't just about a court case. It details how livin with a sick child influences the whole family. Kate and Anna's brother, Jesse (Evan Ellingston) struggles as his dyslexia is pushed as his parents focus on Kate. It looks at how their mum, Sara (Cameron Diaz), refuses to let Kate go, and is ruthless in 'saving' her, as she harvests various parts of Anna to help. Their dad, Brian (Jason Patric), begins to realise what they've been putting Anna through. The whole family falls to pieces. There are twists and turns throughout the movie, and much of it is shown through flashbacks, showing the journey that the family had taken to bring them to this point, especially for Kate.

I'd have to say that the acting of Breslin (13) and Vassilieva (16) was amazing; the two girls portrayed their characters with a maturity and depth that belied their years. In fact, i'd say that their acting was more impressive than that of Diaz, who played the angry-at-life mother without much development along the course of the movie. The fact that they changed the ending of the movie (the book ended quite differently) wasn't a bad thing at all - i preferred it actually. The ending of the book was sensationalist rather than realistic and the movie perhaps ended much more suitably, all things considered.

Overall, this was one of the better movies i've seen lately. By no means was it a feel-good rom-com, of the type that i usually amuse myself with. But it was terrifically done and i was enthralled the entire time, despite my having read the book and knowing what was happening. The acting was impressive, the emotional realistically portrayed and the end result was an endearing, heart-wrenching two hours. I think you have to see it to really know what i'm talking about.

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