Friday, August 21, 2009

Adieu Until Sunday....

40 hr Famine starts tonight. I was giving up food, but am sick, so maybe i won't. But i'm giving up all internet that isn't important for my study, so no more blog until sunday!

Off to a cocktail party (possibly a bizzare one...) tonight in my awesome new blue shoes and some super fun girls. Famine stuff all tomorrow, serving at the Mary Magdelene Homeless Shelter tomorrow night, cooking pancakes and singing at church sunday morning, study meeting with my essay group, singing in band for sunday night... it's going to be a busy weekend!! *sigh*... wish i wasn't so sleepy. But i'll tell you all about it when i get the internet back!

Ok, got to hurry up and get ready or i'll be late (as usual), and i'm playing taxi tonight. Gotta hustle. Have a good weekend everyone!!

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